Local Chalkrock and Rubblestone Buildings to be Featured in December Dakota Life Program

On Friday, November 5, 2021, SDBP TV producer Michael Zimney visited the Tabor area of Bon Homme County to film chalkrock and rubblestone buildings for the December Dakota Life program. Bon Homme Heritage Museum volunteers helped Mr. Zimney identify structures to film and aided in obtaining permission to air the footage. The late Maxine Schuurmans Kinsley's donated research papers greatly enriched the project. 

Interested in learning more about Bon Homme County Czech architectural history, check out this National Historic Register document:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/18N_2WoxoJXvDGWJwGKGGkRSDh3zxTqvF/edit.

Have a love for history or want to participate in fun projects like this, please consider volunteering with or joining the Bon Homme Heritage Museum Board!
